Includes 3 TTM Curriculums
Individualized methods bring amazing results for precrawling babies.
TTM Prenatal - 2 weeks old
* How to do TTM in utero * TTM for birth * The why and how of the Breast Crawl as baby's first tummy time experience *The importance of Skin to Skin *How to do tummy time the first 2 weeks after birth
TTM 3 weeks -12 weeks
* Learn to problem solve tummy time challenges * How to make tummy time therapeutic and enjoyable *How the Social Nervous System affects tummy time * How to optimize position and alignment * Facilitate optimal movement and intensity of experiences
TTM 12 weeks - Crawling
*Learn to negotiate developmental challenges and tummy time problem solving * Make specific recommendations to increase therapeutic effectiveness of the tummy time position *Optimize posture and play * Learn how tummy time changes with growth, maturation and neurodevelopment * Learn the Developmental Dynamics of tummy time